Are you about to move and pet relocation is on your mind? More specifically, are you conflicted between air travel and ground transport? Well, fret no more. We’ll assess the pros and cons of both and determine which method will be best to relocate your puppy.
The following pros and cons apply to both – relocating your puppy yourself or hiring a pet relocation service to do it for you.
Relocating your puppy by air travel
Air travel is definitely faster. If time is a concern, then there’s really no doubt here that you should go with air. But at the same time, it’s also generally more expensive unless no extra commute is required.
Some dogs might not like to travel a lot and in their case, air travel becomes the only option. Shipping a small puppy is not very expensive as compared to large dogs or crates of pets – so don’t decide on anything by looking at the average pet relocation costs for air travel. Those are mainly for larger pets.
One of the disadvantages is the drive to and from the airport. There are also many limitations in animal airline travel – so you better check for the breed, size, number, crate size, etc.
Aircraft type and cargo facilities also affect your options.
If you’re sending your puppy by plane then know that it won’t be supervised. Pets are put in the cargo area with no humans. Health checkups before and after the flight are critical in the case of air travel. The process of booking, checking in, etc. is also different and can become complicated.
Lastly, flights are prone to delays and cancelations and then there’s the issue of the weather. This can all cause additional stress both for your pet and you.
Relocating your puppy by ground transport
Ground transport is better than air travel for any puppy because you can have supervision and care throughout the journey. It’s longer but also less expensive and more hassle-free.
Ground travel is recommended when safety and health are concerns. For example, not all puppies will adapt well to a cargo shipping experience. Ground travel, on the other hand, ensures activity.
You might need to pay for the handler – but that will additionally ensure you get pictures, food, toys, the whole thing.
There are also generally fewer or no restrictions when transporting pets by ground. If taking them with you is not an option, the ground is obviously the safer option of the two.
Going longer distances on roads can actually become more expensive too – especially because all ground-based pet relocation services charge on mileage.
Final verdict: Air or ground?
Generally, ground transport is considered to be better for small puppies. However, there’s a lot to factor in. In many cases, air travel can actually be a better option for your canine.
Review all your options carefully. Ultimately, only the pet owner can make the best decision for their pet.
If you are looking for Toronto dog shipping, then look no further than Paws en route. We provide the best-in-class pet relocation service, both air and ground, with great care in Toronto, Montreal, Calgary, and Vancouver.